Customer Testimonials

Why not listen to what our customers have to say about us?

With health issues arising I had a personal wish to get healthier and lose weight.

I train once a week with Mel and 1-2 times a week off my own back with men’s guidance. My fitness levels have consistently improved. I am more aware of what foods I should and should not be eating, like which foods give me the most nutritious values, plus I’ve lost 1 stone 4lbs.

Millie Clayton - Age:25, Occupation: Early years Practitioner

I had little motivation but signing up with Mel, hasn’t just creating a step change in my overall fitness, I now believe in myself too and completed my first 5k last year.

She’s definitely spurred me on to do more, making me self-confident and toned in all the right places. I have now signed up to do a 10k run and I just wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without her.

Jacqui Wilkinson - Age:59, Occupation: Customer Service Team Leader

I wanted to get my fitness back after having a baby and increase muscle tone. Having a personal trainer who understands my needs has allowed me to get fit, learn new exercises and techniques, work different parts of my body and have the motivation to exercise alone too. 

Jessica Nair - Age:35, Occupation: Buyer

Speak to Mel

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