Bootcamp is back: But what are the benefits?

Gone are the days of military style outdoor fitness bootcamps led by shouty army officers. The term has matured and is thankfully a lot more geared towards peoples’ goals and relationship with fitness.

Our new 10 week bootcamp for 2020 is high-intensity, highly motivating and provides positive results. We’re talking big overall changes to your lifestyle as well as weight loss and improvements in health and wellness. There’s no army gear in sight. Instead, our 45 minute sessions take place in a friendly studio setting using the latest equipment and is led by our expert personal trainer George.

The bootcamp is perfect for people who want to take their first steps in to exercise, or for those who just want to tone up and be proud of their bodies.

We completely understand that some bootcamp courses can cut into precious weekends so we run ours on Mondays and Wednesday evenings across two time slots. You can simply choose which one works best for you.

If you need any further info on why so many people choose to join our bootcamp sessions, we’ve pulled together the top five benefits:

Bootcamp results Mel Bartley Fitness

Bootcamp transformation

Weight loss

One of the main reasons people sign up to our bootcamp classes is to lose weight. All attendees find it a challenge because our sessions are based around HITT and big blasts of energy to blast calories and build strength. This is balanced with strategic intervals of cardio to shock the system and give you a total body workout.

Feeling good

This level of exercise releases endorphins which act as a mood elevator, boosting your mental health and bringing balance to your everyday psyche. Quite often our clients discover that not only does their body look better but they feel better on the inside too and even their sleep quality changes for the better.


Your brain will tell you are incapable of powering through the circuits and our challenges get harder and tougher as you progress through our course of exercise but just think of the impact this has on your confidence. What you first thought was impossible is achievable. People leave our sessions feeling sweaty but empowered because they’ve completed something tough!


At our bootcamp we run initial consultations to get a grasp of your current physique, we also offer to take an image before people embark on their fitness journey. This allows us to understand each individual and build realistic and sustainable programmes. It also gives our clients the opportunity to check their progress and see the results for themselves. We also offer nutritional support and guidance so people can manage their food intake and understand more about what they are putting in and burning off. People join on their own, as friends or as couples but even after a short time they build a team ethic and come together which really helps the motivation stay high. We touch base on a group chat and offer additional work outs for people to try at home to get the most out of our expertise.


Our Bootcamp has grown in popularity and we now offer two time slots four times a year. One of the big reasons people sign up is the true value they receive. We understand that people want to try something new without the heavy price tag or monthly fees. We invest in equipment and personal training expertise so you don’t have to. All we ask in return is your commitment to achieve your goals. Our 2020 Bootcamp is £100 for 10 weeks (which is probably the cost of a shop-bought coffee per day for a month). This includes; initial weigh in, 2 x 45 min sessions each week, support throughout, access to healthy recipes and final weigh ins.

At present, there are six spaces available on our 8.15pm time slot starting on January 6th, 2020. If you would like to snap up those places, give us a call today or email